
Friday, 07 April 2023

Dyment Trophy 2022 / 2023

As always, this years Dyment Trophy for the best DPI of the year was a hard contested battle. Topping the leaderboard with this years winning entry is Dave Collerton with his image Almost Leiter, a nod to the brilliant US photographer Saul Leiter. Well done to all the other placed entires and of course to all those that entered. Some excellent images across the board.

Friday, 07 April 2023

About The Club

Paignton Photographic Club is a long established club with members of all ages and every walk of life. Monday night meetings are held in the Methodist Hall in Paignton where a wide range of guest speakers talk about their photographic journey and provide us all with insights to help us improve as photographers. Members are encouraged to enter competitions which cater for every level within the club. For the new season, our membership fee is £48 for the year with concessions for couples and for young people. Fees are pro-rata for those joining later in the season.

Member Photos

cornwall_27_1600px - Golitha Falls, Trethevy Quoit & Minions cornwall_29_1600px - Golitha Falls, Trethevy Quoit & Minions cornwall_30_1600px - Golitha Falls, Trethevy Quoit & Minions
Highly Commended Julie McGowan Broken - 2018/19 Dyment Trophy 2nd Place Clive Figes Silhouette Of Stephanie - 2018/19 Dyment Trophy 6th Place Nick Webb Bucket Of Steam Find You Must Jedi Become You - 2018/19 Dyment Trophy

Archived Images

HC Coloured Balls Willie Wilson - Sleep Trophy 2022/2023 6th Place Mans Best Friend Willie Wilson - Sleep Trophy 2022/2023 5th Place Welsh Purple Slate Quarry Mike Bond - Sleep Trophy 2022/2023


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Boring Copyright Stuff

It's a great image right! Unfortunately, it's copyright its respective owner so I'm afraid you can't download it. If an image catches your eye, perhaps you want to use it in an editorial or marketing campaign, contact us and we'll put you in touch with the owner.