How to use PhotoEntry - A Short Guide

  1. Go to the Photoentry website - and login using your User ID, normally your email and your Password. Select your competition group from the list shown (Section Competition or Trophy Competition). This will take you to the page where you will upload your entries.
  2. Click on the title of the competition (e.g. Section 1, Section 2). This will take you to the page for that competition, and give you details of entry requirements, closing date, number of images, sizes of images and colour profile. Below the details panel is a large blue button titled “Add New Entry”
  3. Click on the button. This will take you to the next page where you will type in your photo title, reference (optional) and attach your photo-file(s).
  4. There is a large blue button titled “Add This Entry” – click on this and a box appears in which you can upload your images. Click on the required box to be given the option to “choose JPEG” in another pop-box.  Navigate to your own computer folder to pick the required image and click on it.  The file name will be brought into the Photoentry page – and another blue button appears “Upload Image” – click on it.
  5. Where multiple images are required for a panel – such as Sleep Trophy – you can upload 3 images and then the composite of those images.
  6. You should target an image size of no larger than 1600px landscape at a 3:2 ratio i.e. 1600 x 1200. If adding a portrait format image the long edge cannot be larger than 1200px. The maximum file size allowed is 10MB per image plus you must use the sRGB colour profile. If the uploaded image is in the wrong colour profile or is the wrong size, you will get a red warning message.  This is the point that you can delete the image and find the correct version – or run the risk of it showing very small in the competition, or be disallowed (if the wrong colour space is used) for the competition.  The delete button is the mini-dustbin icon – click it to delete the file and start again.  If you simply want to replace the image, use the icon that is two mini-arrows in a circle.
  7. This screengrab illustrates the error messages received for wrong colour space or wrong size.  The program will not permit you to upload a file that is too large, but will permit one that is too small. 
  8. When you have uploaded your entries – and they are the of the correct size and colour space, the button above the uploading box becomes “Show All Entries”.  Click on it to be shown the images you have entered for the competition.
  9. Just above the top of the entry box there will be a message in green writing that you have ‘reached the limit of entries’ – this is also a confirmation that you have entered the images successfully on the system.  Good luck!
  10. At this point, click on the “Main Menu” option to leave the entry page.  If you click on the competition title that you have just uploaded images to, you will be taken to the page where you can check that your images are submitted – click on the very large blue button “Show Your Entries in this Group”.  Click on the ‘main menu’ button to get out of the screen when you want to leave it.

That's it, you have entered the competition.


Photoentry has a very useful help menu – immediately below the Main Menu option - and it also appears on ALL pages.  If you are unsure what to do, click on Help, and choose the item you need from a long list of options.

About The Club

Paignton Photographic Club is a long established club with members of all ages and every walk of life. Monday night meetings are held in the Methodist Hall in Paignton where a wide range of guest speakers talk about their photographic journey and provide us all with insights to help us improve as photographers. Members are encouraged to enter competitions which cater for every level within the club. For the new season, our membership fee is £48 for the year with concessions for couples and for young people. Fees are pro-rata for those joining later in the season.

Member Photos

My mix - An Exhibition of the work of Robbie Clymo My mix - An Exhibition of the work of Robbie Clymo My mix - An Exhibition of the work of Robbie Clymo
Running for the Point Ginny Campbell KDCC - Kingsbridge Battle 2023/24 Season Carn Galver Julia Rich PPC - Kingsbridge Battle 2023/24 Season Short-Eared Owl Bill MacDonald PPC | Bronze Award - Kingsbridge Battle 2023/24 Season

Archived Images

1st Place Me And My Shadow Julie McGowan - James Wilson Competition Highly Commended Light Bulb Chris Arkell - James Wilson Competition Highly Commended Glasses Chris Arkell - James Wilson Competition


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Boring Copyright Stuff

It's a great image right! Unfortunately, it's copyright its respective owner so I'm afraid you can't download it. If an image catches your eye, perhaps you want to use it in an editorial or marketing campaign, contact us and we'll put you in touch with the owner.