Summer School

For the past four years, Willie Wilson with the support of Steve Carne has organised and run a very successful summer school on behalf of PPC which runs every other week from May through to August. The aims of the school are to increase member dexterity with all aspects of the camera including flash and lighting and to undertake interesting and varied photo-shoots including abstract, impressionism, portrait and still life. Every year Willie has managed to come up with new and stimulating ideas and as a result, the sessions are very well attended.

The school meets on Monday evenings (May - August) from 7:30pm at the Methodist Church Hall, Palace Avenue, Paignton, TQ3 3EQ. Meetings last 2 hours or so with a break for tea/coffee.

Recent summer school events have included:

  • Macro & close up photography
  • Portrait photography using a simple single light source and backdrop
  • Still life including smoke patterns, water droplets, playing cards, light bulbs, tools and many other day to day objects found in and around the home
One of the key benefits in attending summer school is that the photos we take are often eligable for entry in club competitions and indeed, several have been placed and highly commended.

Summer School Abstract Photography

About The Club

Paignton Photographic Club is a long established club with members of all ages and every walk of life. Monday night meetings are held in the Methodist Hall in Paignton where a wide range of guest speakers talk about their photographic journey and provide us all with insights to help us improve as photographers. Members are encouraged to enter competitions which cater for every level within the club. For the new season, our membership fee is £48 for the year with concessions for couples and for young people. Fees are pro-rata for those joining later in the season.

Member Photos

The Kelpies - An exhibition of work from Leigh Tucker IMG_9636 - An exhibition of work from Leigh Tucker IMG_2388 - An exhibition of work from Leigh Tucker
Group A1 3rd Place Stuart Chapman Gateshead Millennium Bridge - Section 2 2022/23 Results Group B 2nd Place David Flitcroft Puffin With Sand Eels - Section 2 2022/23 Results Group A 3rd Place Ross Elliott Heart Of The City - Section 2 2022/23 Results

Archived Images

Group B 1st Sunset In Brixham Carlo Bragagnolo - Section 4 2020/21 Open Theme Group A HC Paddling With Seagulls Chris Frost - Section 4 2020/21 Open Theme Group B HC Rocks At Godrevy Point Colin Brooks - Section 4 2020/21 Open Theme


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It's a great image right! Unfortunately, it's copyright its respective owner so I'm afraid you can't download it. If an image catches your eye, perhaps you want to use it in an editorial or marketing campaign, contact us and we'll put you in touch with the owner.