Paignton shows off it's photos and art at a pop-up gallery

Paignton Photographic Club wowed visitors to the Custom Coffee Co in Paignton this weekend with an exhibition and sale of unique works which included both photographic and art prints. It was also an opportunity to canvas for new members and for the public to get an inside look at the depth and quality of the work done by the club. Instrumental in the success on the day were club members Tracey Hodges, Alex Hamer, Mike Bond & Chris Vincenti to name just a few with help and time being provided by other members of the club throughout the day. With doors opening at 10am, a steady stream of visitors wandered around the colourful displays, looking at and choosing prints that captured their attention and their imagination. The biggest seller on the day was Stuart Chapmans amazing image called Ethereal (a delicate impression of a Kestrel in Flight) but a number of other sales were achieved on some equally fine work. With all proceeds going to the club, it was a bonus that we were able to talk with potential members interested in joining us for the 2024/25 season starting in September. A big thank you to Leon of the Custom Coffee Co for allowing us to set up our exhibition for the day and for keeping us topped up with coffee. A big thank you also to those that made the effort to come along and support the club, it was much appreciated. If you didn't manage to make it, come along to our next exhibition and say hi, we value all feedback on our work and we love talking with artists and photographers who share our common interests.

Poulson Trophy HC Tracey Hodges Aymer Cove - 2022/23 Poulson Cup

Charlie Waite visits Paignton Photographic Club - One Night Only

World renowned landscape photographer, Charlie Waite has been an advocate of ‘the photograph’ and the importance of engaging with the landscape through photography for over 30 years. He has had a lifetime of experience talking to photography enthusiasts and has travelled the length and breadth of the UK, Europe and the USA. His passion for passing on his experience and knowledge and his engaging manner, warmth and lively anecdotes have resulted in loyal audiences across the globe who share his love of truly immersing themselves with the landscape through the lens.

To learn more about this unique local event and to find out how you can reserve your ticket, which costs just £10 including refreshments, follow the link below.

Nikon Gear for Sale

We have received an email from a member over at Kingsbridge Camera Club selling some Nikon camera gear for a fellow member's widow. These items are shown below. If you are interested, please contact Jim Brown at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Nikon Speedlight SB 900. Cased £120.00
Nikkor 15mm F3.5 Lens, with Hood £420.00
50mm F1.4 G Lens, with Hood. Boxed £140.00
24-120mm F3.5-F5.6 G IF-ED VR Lens. Boxed £250.00
18-200mm F3.5-F5.6 VR Lens with Hood. Boxed £120.00
35-70mm F2.8D AF Lens £ 80.00
We are informed that most of these items are in Excellent Condition - Only 15mm, 35-7mm and 18-200mm Lenses are well used, but still in Good Condition.


A talk on Photographic Workflow by Mac Chivers

For our first talk of the season (25/09/2023) we have Mac Chivers who is going to talk us through the benefits of developing a streamlined workflow for our photography and in particular how we can improve our post-processing activities to save time.

Mac's passion for photography started in the 1960s when he saved his pocket money and bought a cheap 35mm camera (Boots Beirett). Since then he's been shooting, developing, printing, exhibiting, and deriving great pleasure from it. When people ask him what sort of photography he does his stock answer is "slow photography". This is meant in the sense that time is an essential ingredient when contemplating, preparing a shot or shoot, and when considering it's post-processing. He has never stopped learning and he considers that ongoing regular practise seems to help with continual improvement, although of course, that may be hubris and is best judged by others. What he does enjoy is discovering the work of different photographers and trying to pass on his enthusiasm to inspire others to keep improving their own work.

In addition to his personal interests, Mac also give talks and workshops mostly, for clubs in the south west of the UK. His details are listed on the Western Counties Photographic Federation website and in their printed guide. 

With regards the title of this talk, "Photographic Workflow" professional photographers need to be sure that they rapidly achieve consistent results in their work and to aid this they develop their own methods of working particularly when it comes to post- processing image files. This talk steps through a systematic approach that will help any photographer achieve the best image quality possible from their equipment and their post-processing and editing work.

If this talk interests you or you would like to chat with Mac, feel free to visit the club on the evening of Monday 25th September at the hall at the back of the Methodist Church on Palace avenue. As will all events here at Paignton Photographic Club, talks etc all start at 19h30 with the doors open from 19h00. All welcome, visitors can pay a small entry fee on the night which includes tea or coffee. We hope to see you all there on Monday night.

A trip to Golitha Falls, Trethevy Quoit and Minions

As one of our regular summer outings PPC scheduled a trip out to Cornwall, specifically Golitha Falls, Trethevy Quoit and Minions which are all located on Bodmin Moor, one of our outstanding national parks. The whole area is dotted with mine workings and some of the old pump houses still remain. Minions in particular has a number of good examples ideal for photography. While ultimately just four photographers made the relatively short journey, we were expecting nine on the day, it was no less a great day out with lots of laughter and merriment, good food as well as some very good photographic opportunities. I'm pretty sure in fact that a number of the photos taken will make it into future competitions. For some examples of images taken on the day, take a look at our album here.

The day started at about 09:30 when we pitched up in two cars at the car park next to Golitha Falls. Contrary to its name, there is no single waterfall at Golitha Falls, just a number of small pinch points where the water cascades down into small pools below before continuing on its never-ending onward journey to who knows where. This though offers some excellent opportunities for slow motion photography if this floats your boat or, if you like playing around with lenses and light, some interesting opportunities for people watching etc. However, before I tell you of some of the highlights of this part of the trip, let me wax lyrical about the near perfect breakfast baps to be had in the small cafe next to the car park. They offer a variety of tasty morsels here, not least the Redneck bacon bapp enjoyed by some, and the Pioneer (basically a Redneck with an egg on top), enjoyed by others. This was all washed down with a good cup of tea, well, at the second time of asking as the first was practically stone cold! All in all, a well-deserved 8/10 for the breakfast! Personally, I could have stayed there all day but the others being total pests cajoled me into vacating my seat at the table to start walking the treacherous track that follows the river (or stream as it more appropriately appears to be) through the forest. To be honest, a much easier track runs higher up so no need to break ancles or legs if you prefer a more relaxed walk with scenic photographic opportunity. All in all I would say we spent a good couple of hours here although we didn't get very far into the mile or so walk that we could have done. Even so, a good start to the day.

Next on the agenda was Minions. Now, I know what you're thinking, how strange to find little yellow bubble shaped people with high-pitched voices on Bodmin Moor! Sadly, this proved not to be the case and in fact Minions is just a place - yawn. Well, it's actually a bit more than "just a place". True, it's a tiny village on the fringes of the moor BUT it contains a vast number of derelict pump houses from a bygone age when tin mining was in its heyday. Nuff said, cameras out and we spent a good couple of hours here vying to find the best vantage points to out-do each other. It's not easy of course as I suspect that these pump houses have been photographed from every conceivable angle at every possible time of day. Nonetheless, it's a great way to spend a few hours and good exercise to boot! There are a couple of additional places of interest locally here, the first being Hurler Stones, a Neolithic stone circle right next to the car park and the Cheesewring, which Mike and Lesley Bond walked to, which is an interesting array of natural stones - visit for more information and some photos. Following on from all of this exertion we voted en-masse to have a cup of tea and some tea cakes at the local cafe. Very enjoyable.

The last point of interest on our journey was to be Trethevy Quoit, a Neolithic burial chamber which now sits alongside some considerably newer houses than would have existed back then. Again, if you want more information take a look at Its location doesn't make it the easiest place to photograph but it's well worth exploring all of the angles. Again, it's within walking distance of a small car park so accessibility couldn't be better.

Our day out concluded with diner at the Premier Inn in Liskard followed by a short drive back to Torbay. Overall, it couldn't have gone better so a big thank you to Stuart Chapman and Mike and Lesley Bond for a very interesting and fun day out.

About The Club

Paignton Photographic Club is a long established club with members of all ages and every walk of life. Monday night meetings are held in the Methodist Hall in Paignton where a wide range of guest speakers talk about their photographic journey and provide us all with insights to help us improve as photographers. Members are encouraged to enter competitions which cater for every level within the club. For the new season, our membership fee is £48 for the year with concessions for couples and for young people. Fees are pro-rata for those joining later in the season.

Member Photos

The Kelpies - An exhibition of work from Leigh Tucker IMG_9636 - An exhibition of work from Leigh Tucker IMG_2388 - An exhibition of work from Leigh Tucker
Group A1 3rd Place Stuart Chapman Gateshead Millennium Bridge - Section 2 2022/23 Results Group B 2nd Place David Flitcroft Puffin With Sand Eels - Section 2 2022/23 Results Group A 3rd Place Ross Elliott Heart Of The City - Section 2 2022/23 Results

Archived Images

Group B 1st Sunset In Brixham Carlo Bragagnolo - Section 4 2020/21 Open Theme Group A HC Paddling With Seagulls Chris Frost - Section 4 2020/21 Open Theme Group B HC Rocks At Godrevy Point Colin Brooks - Section 4 2020/21 Open Theme


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