How to use WeTransfer - A Short Guide

This program is used for uploading your AV entries.  It will take time to do its job – your files are large, so allow around 15 minutes for it to transfer your chosen file(s).

Go to the WeTransfer site:

Click on the ‘I agree’ button on the page to enter the working bit of the site.

You will be offered a box that allows you to “add your files” – one at a time please and keep them under 2Gb for free transfers.  You do not need to take up the WeTransfer Plus offer.  Click on the blue + button, navigate to your folder and choose the file you wish to transfer.  You will get a large blue infinity icon ‘wiggling’ while the file is attached to the program – when fully attached and ready to go you will be advised by the plus icon that you have added your file – and the size of that file.

Now enter the email address you wish to send the file to [eg], then your email address and if you wish, a message.  For club competitions this should be an identifier for the file – title and your name plus anything else required.

Then click on the  “Transfer” button……..and wait……… until the file is transferred.  You get a ‘twiddly-circle’ to inform you how your file is transferring.  Then is tells you “you’re done” when completed.

You will receive an email to confirm that it is sent to the recipient – and they get an email to tell them it is waiting for them to download – within a stated period before files are deleted.

This really is an idiot-proof system that is well thought out and simple to use.  If you decide to use it for your files to friends and relatives, you can also send still images – just stay within the 2Gb allowance for a freebie.

About The Club

Paignton Photographic Club is a long established club with members of all ages and every walk of life. Monday night meetings are held in the Methodist Hall in Paignton where a wide range of guest speakers talk about their photographic journey and provide us all with insights to help us improve as photographers. Members are encouraged to enter competitions which cater for every level within the club. For the new season, our membership fee is £48 for the year with concessions for couples and for young people. Fees are pro-rata for those joining later in the season.

Member Photos

My mix - An Exhibition of the work of Robbie Clymo LALA Land - An Exhibition of the work of Robbie Clymo My mix - An Exhibition of the work of Robbie Clymo
6th Place Smithson, Dave Inside The Christmas Tree - James Wilson Trophy 2019 5th Place Rose_Rich, Julia - James Wilson Trophy 2019 Highly Commended Flow_Hamer, Alex - James Wilson Trophy 2019

Archived Images

Section A 1st Place Mick Medley Felixstowe Dock By Night - Section 1 2021/22 Results Section A1 3rd Place Sturat Chapman Birds Eye View - Section 1 2021/22 Results Section B 5th Place Dave Brimley The Angry Lion - Section 1 2021/22 Results


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Boring Copyright Stuff

It's a great image right! Unfortunately, it's copyright its respective owner so I'm afraid you can't download it. If an image catches your eye, perhaps you want to use it in an editorial or marketing campaign, contact us and we'll put you in touch with the owner.