Old photographic equipment

From David Streeter at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I have a Chinon 2000 GL Cine Projector and a Reflecta Diamator AFM slide projector. I don't want to dump them if they are of any interest to your members. They are free. I welcome your advice.


Hi Everyone Sharron Godfrey has asked me to warn you about her experience on Dartmoor. Please be careful and stay safe when you go out there.  Hi Cornelia,   wondered if you could put out an email to the club.... we have just returned from a lovely afternoon up on Dartmoor (first journey up there since lockdown started!) parked up at Holwell Lawn hoping to see the bluebells but they haven't come out yet.  Still had a lovely walk round and then came back to the car to find some bastard has smashed the side rear window of the car to gain access into the car, and then put the seats down to get into the boot.  Luckily I had my camera and wallet with me, so nothing stolen.  We had left about 18" gap between the car and the wall and this of course is the side they got in.   Just a warning to folks thinking of going up there not to leave anything valuable, not even in your boot....regards  Sharron CorneliaCornelia Frost PhotographyMOBILE:  07484121748E-MAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.: corneliafrostphotography.co.ukFACEBOOK: Cornelia Frost PhotographyINSTAGRAM: @corneliafrostphotography         Trust me to honour you and your loved ones with my camera This message is intended solely for the addressee and may contain confidential information. Notice is hereby given that any disclosure, use or copying of the information by anyone other than the intended recipient is prohibited and may be illegal.If you have received this e-mail message in error, please notify Cornelia Frost Photography immediately by return e-mail. Afterwards immediately and permanently delete it.Do not use, copy or disclose the information contained in this e-mail message or in any attachement. This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential. 

James Wilson Competition - 'Shadows'

We had a great competition yesterday evening, with some excellent images on display, expertly judged for us by Ralph Snooks ARPS DPAGB EFIAP, all the way from the comfort of his home in Bristol.Clearly a lot of the club members had thought long and hard about the subject and produced some very clever and creative images; elsewhere we had natural shadows and silhouettes in abundance.  Both types of image featured in the final placings, which were as follows:

Commended images:

Relaxed Zebra - Darran Thompson

Shadows on the Seafront - Willie Wilson

Glasses - Chris Arkell

Light Bulb - Chris Arkell

Placed images:

6th:  Watching my Shadow - Eddie Bairstow

5th:  Evening Shadows - Stuart Chapman

4th:  One by One - Colin Brook

3rd:  Whisky Lover - Julie McGowan

2nd:  A Portrait in Shadow - Alex Hamer

1st:  Me and my Shadow - Julie McGowan

Well done all!

Placed and Highly Commended Images can be found by visiting this link


Julia McGowan's individual winning image Macaque Coo

Kingsbridge Battle 2021

It's been a while since I've added some noteworthy news, but it's always good to promote the best in club photography. This year's battle with good friends and neighbours Kingsbridge is one such event. A stunning array of some of the best photographers here in the southwest all coming together to contest the hotly fought annual Kingsbridge battle which I am proud to announce went to Paignton on this occasion. With a different judge things could have been so very different but as it was, we managed to score 525 points to Kingsbridge's 493 which over 63 images equates to just 1/2 point difference per image. That's pretty tight by any standard. Going through the images for this article I was hugely impressed with the standard of photography and I would have personally marked several Kingsbridge images higher than Judge John Tilsley APAGB DPAGB ARPS. That being said, I thought John brought a breath of fresh air to the judging process by providing some key insights into what he looks for in an image. We can all learn from this. Roll on 2022 when no doubt Kingsbridge will want to give us a good hiding.

You can see all of the images submitted to the competition, including the photographer and their scores, together with the top 3 ranked images as judged by John by clicking here. Please remember, all images are copyright their respective owners and should not be copied, duplicated or used in any way without the written permission of the photographer to which they belong. If you would like to use an image for any purpose, please contact us and we will put you in touch with the owner directly.

Photographic equipment

From Paul Allan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. uncle has recently passed away leaving his old developing and enlarging equipment (chemical containers etc). I wondered if any of your members would be interested in this. I am not looking for anything for it, but it seems a shame to take it to the tip,

About The Club

Paignton Photographic Club is a long established club with members of all ages and every walk of life. Monday night meetings are held in the Methodist Hall in Paignton where a wide range of guest speakers talk about their photographic journey and provide us all with insights to help us improve as photographers. Members are encouraged to enter competitions which cater for every level within the club. For the new season, our membership fee is £48 for the year with concessions for couples and for young people. Fees are pro-rata for those joining later in the season.

Member Photos

Credit: Stuart Chapman - Three Visions, One Place: Plymouth England Credit: Stuart Chapman - Three Visions, One Place: Plymouth England Credit:Alex Hamer - Three Visions, One Place: Plymouth England
Section 3 A Group 5th Place Train Of Lights Tracey Hodges - Section 3 2023/24 Night Time Section 3 A1 Group HC Daymark Tower Mike Bond - Section 3 2023/24 Night Time Section 3 A Group 2nd Place Cathedral Of The Future Dave Smithson - Section 3 2023/24 Night Time

Archived Images

Triptych 4th Place Remembering Harry David Flitcroft - Sleep Trophy 2023/2024 Triptych HC Place Burrow Mump Mike Bond - Sleep Trophy 2023/2024 Triptych HC Place Stones Of Porth Nanvan Mike Bond - Sleep Trophy 2023/2024


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Boring Copyright Stuff

It's a great image right! Unfortunately, it's copyright its respective owner so I'm afraid you can't download it. If an image catches your eye, perhaps you want to use it in an editorial or marketing campaign, contact us and we'll put you in touch with the owner.